JAG Executive Realty, LLC



  We pride ourselves on supporting those looking to buy or sell property. Below you will find helpful resources that will help you on your journey. If you have any questions, feel free to contact us at (281) 214-0475 x101 for Joshua,  x102 for Rachel,  x103 for Aaron, x104 for Ronald,
or x105 for Heather
for a no obligation consultation. We are here to support you!

Government Agencies
Realtor Licensing Commission Official site of the Texas Real Estate Commission, the body that governs real estate practices in the state. Includes licensing information, laws, ...

National Association of Realtors (NAR)
With more than 1.3 million members, the National Association of REALTORS is the voice for real estate.

For competitive rates and creative solutions call for information  281-214-0475  ext. 101 or 102

Texas State Affordable Housing
Financial assistance resources for home buyers. The Texas State Affordable Housing Corporation serves the housing needs of low, very low and extremely low-income Texans and other underserved populations who do not have comparable housing options through conventional financial channels.


HAR - Affordable Housing Program Finder

News Sources

“Houses can form a neighborhood but only people can make it a community."

Children enjoy their neighborhood and friends!Community is an essential part of family, of lifestyle, and of real estate.

Understanding local conditions in CYPRESS is important when it comes to buying and selling real estate, but the neighborhood you choose can have a dramatic impact on all other aspects of your life as well

When it’s time to move, call us to get a representative on your side who has experience, CYPRESS market knowledge, and the confidence to help you make the best transaction possible. Enjoy!   

Rachel and Joshua and Aaron 









Community Information


Cypress horses running near Telge Road! 
CYPRESS is more vibrant than ever!  There is always something exciting to do or see. Whether it is taking in a show, enjoying an outdoor festival, attending a community class, or simply hanging out and enjoying CYPRESS’s unique culture. It is the people that make CYPRESS special.
This is a place to work, live and call home.  

Complimentary Neighborhood Kit

The Neighborhood Kit includes: 

Upcoming Community Events
Public and Private School Information
Current Real Estate Listings
Local Maps
Brochures and Photos

To receive your neighborhood kit simply fill in this form and include your mailing address in the comments section.

Contact Information

In this area, you can enter text about your contact form. You may want to explain what happens after a visitor submits the form and include a contact phone number.

First Name:
Last Name:
Address Street 1:
Address Street 2:
Zip Code: (5 digits)
Daytime Phone:
Evening Phone:





Tips for Finding the Perfect Neighborhood

1. Make a list of all of the amenities that are close by in the neighborhood you are considering as your new residence. 
Keep in mind what distances and routes to each of these places are acceptable and what are not.

2.  Determine what the best features of the neighborhoods are.  This is especially helpful if you are deciding between a few different neighborhoods.

Are there parks nearby?
Is it scenic and visually appealing?
Are there quiet areas, streets, culs de sac?
Are the people friendly in the neighborhood?
Is the neighborhood clean?  Yards, streets, parks?
Are there nice trees and foliage?
Do the lots have large or small yards?
Are there walkways and are they easily accessible?
Is it a safe neighborhood?
What are the market values of the homes in the area?
Are there many houses for sale?
How long ago was the community developed?
What is the average age of the people in the area?
Are there families with small children in the area?
What is the proximity to schools?
Are there community events or organizations?

3.  Walk around in the neighborhood.  The best way to determine the cleanliness and friendliness of the neighborhood is to walk around in it and meet its residents.

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